Hindu Raja Harnacus” and his son “Lok Bhagat had constructed the Fort of Harrand on the style of Monojodero. That is the reason structure of Harrand Fort seems contemporaneous civilization of Monojodero. Muslim rulers from Muhammad Bin Qasim to Ahmed Shah Abdali had maintained their sovereignty at this area. When the Region of Harrand was being ruled by Nadir.This fort was a route passage for Afghan-Iranian Invaders to [[Multan]] and [[India]]. It is said that [[Alexander the Great]] passed through this area on his quest to conquer the world. Antiques found in this area point to Alexander’s visit. According to local legend Alexander was inspired by the beauty of a local queen named Rukhsana and married her in Harand Fort. Locals say that the [[Unilever]] soap [[Rexona]] was named after her. Perched in between legendary Suleman Range on one side and mighty River Indus on the other, ruins of original Harand Fort are situated in the area commonly known as Pachaddh. The Fort has se...